Monday, May 30, 2011

Starting school holiday!!!

Kya!!! I really wanted to update my blog with interesting stuff. I just need to DO IT! It's not like it's difficult to do right? ..tisk tisk I'll try harder and improve on my writing.

Latest updates from me

I've just came back from my practicum in Sekinchan. Phew! what a life! I guess this is how it's like working. Despite being a 20 year old woman, I still feel like a kid on the inside when I do these stuff writing, surfing on net , twittering..i guess these what keeps me younger. ^_^

I'm in love with those precious kids of mine. I am beginning to show my love, care and respect to my students. I really hope they do well at least have some improvements in their English. Come on 2 Belian you can do it!!

I really envy those bloggers who keep updating every single juice of their life!!! wow, what a passion.

I have discovered what are my ambition in life is. After searching in the midst of my entire whole life, I've finally found one. My true passion and something I'm excited to do.

Allah S.W.T. please make my journey easier and worthwhile for me to accomplish. I feel like I can truly accomplish something in life and be proud about it. ^_^
Look at me, alhmadulillah I have found my AMBITION. Now, I'm working towards realizing it one by one, it's one heck of a journey and I am willing to go through this adventure!!!

I'm back in my hometown Batu Gajah. My family and I, we've been planning to go to a 4 days tour package in Pulau Langkawi. I won't be posting pictures. But I will update about my holidays later, insya-allah. I really want to test my writing skills. Again, it's something important to me.
Life is more meaningful when you have friends.

The'll be challenges ahead, I am willing to put perseverance and strong will. God, please listen to my heart. I am praying to my heart content.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Never Give up on Love

..Just some sharing..

I didn't wrote this. My friend passed this to me from another source. Thanks stranger. I need something else to upgrade my blog. I'll figure it out anyway.

This opens up my mind about the whole lovey-lovey thing. It reminds me, all those love song and love stories it's just another author's and artist fantasy, to satisfy out minds and needs. I'm not saying not listening to love songs at all, what I meant is just don't get caught up with it it's just another creation's fantasy, believe in love and never give up in love. Allah S.W.T. have set us with just the perfect partner for each and every single one of us. Have trust and faith on him. he will lead you to that special someone.

One very important thing about love: love is not worth searching for; love solves none of your problems, love does not lift you up where you belong, and love is not all you need.

People who look for love to fill a longing for fulfillment, happiness, purpose, confidence, direction, or satisfaction will never find any of that, because you will fall in love with a human being, and every single human being on this planet is exactly that: human. Humans are self-serving, stubborn, short-sighted, and flawed in an infinite number of combinations. Love allows a person to burrow into your heart, consume your mind, and reroute your life. What do you think will happen, happily ever after?

When you start looking at love as a goal, as a prize, as a trophy, as a bandage, as a roadmap, or as anything else but a decision to give irreplaceable parts of yourself to someone else, then you will utterly fuck yourself up because the reality of compromise, fighting, and endings which you conveniently disregarded will destroy you. What people don't realize is that love is not safety, it's danger; you don't take control, you take a chance. You're putting your trust in the hands of a very human person, and that person is never the hero you've built him or her up to be. Never.

People are never perfect, but their moments of selfishness and greed are always tempered by moments of generosity, caring, and unbelievable goodness. Knowing this will keep you grounded, realistic, and open-minded to the fact that love can last a lifetime or end tomorrow, that people change for better or for worse, and that you are one of those people.

Love is meant to be discovered, not hunted down. It's meant to be savored, and not craved for. All the expectations and music videos and chick lit and happy endings you've heaped onto love will cheapen it into a miracle cure for all the aches and hurts you think you have, and you will realize one day that it's not even that, and that you're aching and hurting even more.

There are other ways to be happy and feel wanted and have purpose. You are going to spend so much time trying to find one person who can do it all for you, that you'll believe in yourself less and less.

I'm not telling you to give up on love now, but you have to know what it is, what it means, and what it will take from you before you can truly appreciate what it can give back.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

05/05/2011 Just lovee the kids

~Teaching Practicum in S.K. Seri Sekinchan~


Syifa and I went to teach a science relief class. We were assigned in the last class 3 MUTIARA. Although we were in the middle of our 'teaching' another English Teacher (I shall not write it in here) came into our class. She was actually angry at a particular kid. hahah good for him.

It was HAVOC! but we had a swell time. They weren't so bad and naughty, just plain cute and good. Their English language are still at the bottom level ranking. I had a hard time controlling the class, lack of class control will leads to chaos. That's exactly what happened to me today. Syifa was teaching in front, while I was in charge of controlling few 'naughty' ones at the back. Mind you, I feel like strangling those boys one by one. One kid kept bugging me by saying 'LOVE YOU UZTAZAH' I was stunned at that spot. I went ignoring him but he kept saying it over and over again.

We tried playing quiz, unfortunately they couldn't even spell easy words. Damn! But we didn't stop just there, there's more! I tried playing Hangman, but I myself didn't knew how it works in the first place.

The Principals and the GPK are nice people. They are always trying to help us in every way possible. GPK she reminds me of my parents, just love the way she carry herself.

Until next time, I'll be keeping my updates about my practicum.
Worry about teaching them the wrong grammar! It's a sin if I do that.